Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My lil bro's HP finally found!

YEAH! Hazlan's HP found!

It was yesterday when Amir, Ershad, Anna, Hazlan and myself left our beloved island after our shift at Songs of the Sea. Went to Seah Im Food Centre to meet up with Hasri and the rest to have our supper and a little talk cock session as well. After that, we all went straight home.

When I got home and turned on my msn, Hasri told me that Hazlan had lost his HP!!! You would not want to imagine that panic feeling I was having yesterday. I immediately tried to contact Hazlan thru msn and interrogated him on his lost hp. I also called Sentosa Hotline (which was later linked to the Rangers) and made a report on his lost HP when I was told that Amir had actually reported on it earlier before me. So all I could do was pray and hope that someone nice would return the phone to Hazlan.

When I was getting ready to go to work this afternoon, Hazlan called to tell me that someone had actually found his HP. It was one of the security guards at Tourism Academy. When we knocked off from work today, Amir, Hazlan, Marican, Insyirah, Farhainy and myself went to TA to retrieve the phone back from the security guard who found it. A little token of appreciation was also given to the guard for being honest in returning the HP back to Hazlan. Yeah!!!

Hazlan, kalau Hazlan hilang benda lagi Abg beli rantai kapal dan ikat semua barang2 Hazlan kat rantai tu dan belit kan rantai kat badan Hazlan okie?


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